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From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Sat, 13-Jul-2024 7:36:21 PM PDT
Where: Bold and the Beautiful Message Board
For the week of July 15th

Monday July 15th
Li and Finn are stunned by the results of Hollis' autopsy.

Tuesday July 16th
Deacon worries if the sudden death of two employees is more than a coincidence; Li and Finn's revelation to Steffy leads to a shocking accusation.

Wednesday July 17th
A crucial clue goes missing, causing Deputy Detective Baker to take Sheila in for questioning.

Thursday July 18th
Brooke worries that Hope's infatuation with Finn will interfere with his and Steffy's marriage; Steffy and Finn are unified in their love and their devotion to each other.

Friday July 19th
Finn warns Liam to stay in his lane concerning Steffy; Steffy sets boundaries for Hope regarding her fashion line and Finn.

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