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From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Sun, 25-Aug-2024 9:22:13 PM PDT
Where: Bold and the Beautiful Message Board
For the week of August 26th

Monday August 26th
Bill tries to make sense of the chaos around him; Steffy realizes her life is in danger.

Tuesday August 27th
Cornered, a killer makes a chilling revelatio

Wednesday August 28th
Frantic and worried, Finn turns to Li for advice; desperate and trapped, Steffy makes a play to free herself.

Thursday August 29th
Bill visits Poppy in jail and drops the bomb that he's not Luna's father; Deputy Detective Baker gets an unexpected offer of evidence.

Friday August 30th
Starved and weak, Steffy begs for Finn to find her; Finn gets a clue when he visits the Spencer Estate.

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