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From: Leia Find all posts by Leia View Leia's profile Send private message to Leia
Date: Sat, 09-Nov-2024 8:07:19 PM PST
Where: Bold and the Beautiful Message Board
For the week of November 11th

Monday November 11th(Veterans and Remembrance Day)
Ridge, Steffy and Katie discuss the fallout from Hope's firing; tensions rise between Brooke and Taylor when Brooke asks a question whose answer could change things forever.

Tuesday November 12th
Will and Electra finally give in to the undeniable chemistry between them.

Wednesday Nov 13th
Electra worries that the spotlight could bring her darkest secrets crashing back to the surface.

Thursday Nov 14th
Deacon and Finn are at odds, clashing over the truth about Hope; Steffy and Ridge are puzzled as they try to understand why Carter is fiercely passionate about keeping Hope and her fashion line at Forrester.

Friday Nov 15th
Bill receives yet another strange letter from Luna; furious over her firing, Carter shares his plan for revenge with Hope.

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