SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


your last sentence is why she said "dark money"

From: CL Find all posts by CL View CL's profile Send private message to CL
Date: Thu, 07-Mar-2024 10:58:07 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: March politics Post posted by jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan
In reply to: Gives me a brain cramp. posted by LuvMyKidlets

I didn't see the attack ads, but I heard a lot about Schiff and his teams gave out that strategy to others that supported him.

In an underhanded, shady way, it sort of makes sense.

underhanded / shady is what we think of when someone says "dark money." It was not committees and PACs that paid for the ads, it was billionaires...

I am sad by this turn of events. I understand where Schiff is coming from, and I also understand where Porter is coming from. But why do we need to be negative politicking? This is the world we live in when we allowed Super PACs and GOP-negative ads without ramifications...

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