I've been noticing his health going downhill for the last year. Even just watching random footage of him greeting people. It's sad. We've all experienced this, with parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles. I can see in him the same thing I saw in my grandmother when she started to stop recognizing people. It's been a pretty serious change in a year, so maybe he really thought he could do it last year when he committed to running again, but long before the debate, I was thinking it was not a good idea for him to run again. I don't want us to do what the GOP did with Reagan. I can't pretend I'm cool with it when it's my party when I wasn't when it was the GOP (and still am not, incidentally - Trump has lost whatever cognitive ability he has. Give him half a second and he'll start incoherently ranting about toilets for at least 20 minutes). Biden did the right thing, and he should have done it in time for a real primary. We should have known this was coming. The Presidency ages you. Obama came out looking about 20 years older, not 8 years. Ditto Bush. But Biden couldn't afford that at his age. We have to stop being so uncomfortable having these conversations. Look at what happened when Obama DIDN'T put more pressure on RBG to resign.
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