SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


I still have PTSD from that night, and am holding my breath until the winner

From: LuvMyKidlets Find all posts by LuvMyKidlets Send private message to LuvMyKidlets
Date: Mon, 19-Aug-2024 10:51:46 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: 🗽🗽🗽. August 2024 Politics Discussion 🗽🗽🗽 posted by Kitchop
In reply to: Yeah, this was a fundraising email. She was appealing to her base. posted by Dreamylyfe
is decided.

And her base absolutely understood what she was talking about! I saw that email clipped on Twitter because people were talking about how effective it was. And immediately my friend and I were talking about how WE handled it. We both talked about literally crying on our way to work the next day. I talked about how a coworker said "This is like finding out your neighbours are psychopaths." I don't remember what I ate the night he won because I went to bed early rather than watch it happen. The reactions were BIG.

I took my son with me to vote for our first black president and my daughter to vote for our first female president. She was heartbroken when I woke her the following morning and gave her the news. The teachers reiterated throughout the day that they were fortunate to live in a blue state where their freedoms were protected. At her tender age, she fully understood the implications of a Trump presidency.

The right likes to mock how upset the left was that day -- but we were right to be upset. The things we were scared about happened and then some. I remember a day on this board when I argued about whether or not they were going after abortion rights, shared links of peer-reviewed studies about the attack on abortion rights, and was told I was being ridiculous.

I get that 100%. Immediately after 9/11, I along with BamaJan and a few others were called terrorists. I left SZ for several years after that. You were right to sound the abortion alarm.

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