of time when we learn that the entirety of the anti-vax movement was also a Russian op to dupe Americans into suicidal/homicidal COVID recklessness.
Putin learned a long time ago that Russia could get Reps. to do anything if it were packaged as “owning the libs.”
My son is one of those young man who was overly influenced by YTers. His views have moderated as he's matured, and he no longer takes these wankers seriously, but I warned him about the rampant disinfo on YT targeting people like him.
I would love to find out what sites my brother and his wife watch. Some of the statements that come out of their mouths are 100% Russian propaganda. If he says, "The Russian hoax," one more time...🤯
He gets it now and sees MOM WAS RIGHT AGAIN, just as I was about SchlUmp. Listen to your mother, kid.Heh heh.