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They did over-sex things at least in the first book,

From: Cassie Find all posts by Cassie View Cassie's profile Send private message to Cassie
Date: Fri, 22-Mar-2024 3:11:15 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday TV đź“ş Post posted by Leia
In reply to: I don’t mind the sex and nudity on Game of Thrones… posted by Kitchop
Tyrion is a bookworm who stays up all night reading. He does not go out womanizing, and is pretty much a one woman man.

For the show, they made him very sexual.Which is fine, in many ways - good - go against the grain to counter ableist beliefs out there about little people (that's the word a couple of my friends in the community prefer)...and about persons with disabilities.

But a lot of it felt overly gratuitous to me.

I was more referring to their shows from the 00s and the 10s and yes, could've been just the shows I watched.

TD S4 had sex in it - but it was different. The women owned their sexuality and often led. It helped develop their characters and demonstrate their strength. Of course, there are women in GoT very much like this, but there was also too much sexual assault - often in cases where the women were not victims of war. The Davids just did it, and they got a lot of flak for it.

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