SoapZone Community Message Board
Subject: | ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 14TH POTPOURRI~*~*~ |
From: | chloe ![]() ![]() |
Date: | Mon, 14-Oct-2024 7:06:59 AM PDT |
Where: | SoapZone Community Message Board |
We will be halfway through October this week!
Happy Posting
71 replies, 716 views
ALCS <spoilers, sort of, for tonight's game>... spoiler - Wahoo - 17-Oct-2024 7:43 PM
That was some good postseason baseball! Your Guardians gave my Yankees - Kitchop - 22-Oct-2024 10:11 PM
- Obviously I'm disappointed my Guardians aren't going on but there's no - Wahoo - 23-Oct-2024 8:30 AM
That was some good postseason baseball! Your Guardians gave my Yankees - Kitchop - 22-Oct-2024 10:11 PM
- Check out Prince Harry surfing! 🏄♂️ - Antwon - 17-Oct-2024 6:35 PM
If you have an iPhone, say this to Siri: “Hey Siri, I’m just a little … - AmberRedux - 17-Oct-2024 6:24 AM
I have an iPhone 12. I just tried this three times and nothing happened. 😢 - Antwon - 17-Oct-2024 7:31 AM
Sorry, dude! I ran across this on IG and when I tried it … - AmberRedux - 17-Oct-2024 11:24 AM
- LOL EOM - Sparky - 17-Oct-2024 12:03 PM
Sorry, dude! I ran across this on IG and when I tried it … - AmberRedux - 17-Oct-2024 11:24 AM
- No fair! I don't have an iPhone EOM - MontanaKC - 17-Oct-2024 6:55 AM
I have an iPhone 12. I just tried this three times and nothing happened. 😢 - Antwon - 17-Oct-2024 7:31 AM
How do cats settle an argument? - Kitchop - 16-Oct-2024 9:58 PM
- LOLOL--good one (and true!) EOM - Wahoo - 17-Oct-2024 7:31 PM
- Bwahahahah EOM - Sparky - 17-Oct-2024 10:30 AM
One Direction’s Liam Payne Dead at 31! - Antwon - 16-Oct-2024 3:24 PM
This shocked me. I have no feelings one way or another about - Wahoo - 16-Oct-2024 5:20 PM
And it’s even worse now. They ruled it a suicide. He jumped from the balcony 😢 - Antwon - 17-Oct-2024 1:38 PM
- Oh no...that's terrible to hear. Now I'm wondering if he always meant to jump - Wahoo - 17-Oct-2024 7:32 PM
And it’s even worse now. They ruled it a suicide. He jumped from the balcony 😢 - Antwon - 17-Oct-2024 1:38 PM
This shocked me. I have no feelings one way or another about - Wahoo - 16-Oct-2024 5:20 PM
Video shows nearly 100 raccoons swarm woman's yard, prompting 911 call in WA - Kitchop - 15-Oct-2024 10:33 PM
that's what we call a self-inflicted problem. LOL - chloe - 16-Oct-2024 10:15 AM
- That was my thought! *She* created the problem by feeding them! Do Not feed - Capricorn - 16-Oct-2024 2:11 PM
- Whoa that is fascinating and a little unsettling! EOM - Sparky - 16-Oct-2024 8:07 AM
- Yikes! This would be an excellent premise for a new horror movie... - Wahoo - 16-Oct-2024 6:58 AM
that's what we call a self-inflicted problem. LOL - chloe - 16-Oct-2024 10:15 AM
Interesting squirrel facts for squirrel awareness month!!! - Sparky - 15-Oct-2024 7:40 AM
Tree rats! EOM - TaxPert - 16-Oct-2024 2:18 PM
- Ever so much cuter than a rat! EOM - Sparky - 17-Oct-2024 10:31 AM
That last bit about Ohio's squirrel tax is WILD (no pun intended) - Wahoo - 15-Oct-2024 4:40 PM
Yeah Ohio and Tennessee lol... and Tennessee also accepted crows! lol EOM - Sparky - 16-Oct-2024 8:08 AM
- We could easily cover the "crow tax" as well here <g> EOM - Wahoo - 16-Oct-2024 8:36 AM
Yeah Ohio and Tennessee lol... and Tennessee also accepted crows! lol EOM - Sparky - 16-Oct-2024 8:08 AM
Interesting article. Squirrels are pretty amazing creatures. We have plenty - Kitchop - 15-Oct-2024 9:22 AM
I live in the middle of eleven acres with more oak trees than I can count... - Sparky - 15-Oct-2024 10:07 AM
I’m extremely impressed with (and a little jealous of) their rotating ankles on - Kitchop - 15-Oct-2024 12:22 PM
- and they would be the cutest team too! lol EOM - Sparky - 15-Oct-2024 4:29 PM
I’m extremely impressed with (and a little jealous of) their rotating ankles on - Kitchop - 15-Oct-2024 12:22 PM
I live in the middle of eleven acres with more oak trees than I can count... - Sparky - 15-Oct-2024 10:07 AM
Tree rats! EOM - TaxPert - 16-Oct-2024 2:18 PM
They were here... - Justathot - 14-Oct-2024 5:10 PM
- YAY for starting!!! - chloe - 16-Oct-2024 10:41 AM
Dang... your post title had me all excited! - Sparky - 15-Oct-2024 8:23 AM
After four years of waiting to start, it was about as expected. - Justathot - 15-Oct-2024 11:17 AM
- LOL... I thought you were going to say you would have no more shocked if it were - Sparky - 15-Oct-2024 11:48 AM
After four years of waiting to start, it was about as expected. - Justathot - 15-Oct-2024 11:17 AM
My weekend was chaotic, y'all! Saturday was yet another day where - Wahoo - 14-Oct-2024 12:30 PM
Our similar "adventures" scare me sometimes... - Sparky - 15-Oct-2024 8:22 AM
- get it 😁... - Wahoo - 15-Oct-2024 4:29 PM
The Christmas Story house visit gives me something else to - Sparky - 15-Oct-2024 4:38 PM
You are correct. The movie is based on the loosely autobiographical - Wahoo - 15-Oct-2024 4:53 PM
Wow "Peggy Sue Got Married" that is a blast from the past... - Sparky - 16-Oct-2024 8:17 AM
- I want to see the movie again. I've not seen it since it was assigned to us spoiler - Wahoo - 16-Oct-2024 8:36 AM
Wow "Peggy Sue Got Married" that is a blast from the past... - Sparky - 16-Oct-2024 8:17 AM
You are correct. The movie is based on the loosely autobiographical - Wahoo - 15-Oct-2024 4:53 PM
The Christmas Story house visit gives me something else to - Sparky - 15-Oct-2024 4:38 PM
- get it 😁... - Wahoo - 15-Oct-2024 4:29 PM
How young are the young girls who are obsessed with mushrooms? - Kitchop - 14-Oct-2024 3:57 PM
Plush, wooden, foam, & silicone Mushroom toys are very popular... - OnAnAlanisJAG - 15-Oct-2024 8:29 AM
But which came first: the mushroom toys or the youngsters' obsession - Wahoo - 15-Oct-2024 4:02 PM
- Ha! I have no idea. My tiny bestie is 8 and she had some mushroom - OnAnAlanisJAG - 17-Oct-2024 5:13 PM
But which came first: the mushroom toys or the youngsters' obsession - Wahoo - 15-Oct-2024 4:02 PM
I hope not! The mushroom lovers seem to be between 6-16 or so - Wahoo - 14-Oct-2024 6:33 PM
That IS too young for magic mushrooms. Maybe they are budding vegans? - Kitchop - 14-Oct-2024 9:47 PM
😂 EOM - Wahoo - 15-Oct-2024 4:00 PM
So…a quick google search found these two mushroom motif popularity theories…. - Kitchop - 15-Oct-2024 10:17 PM
- Wow...I had NO idea! Thank you so much for both links--interesting stuff! - Wahoo - 16-Oct-2024 6:59 AM
So…a quick google search found these two mushroom motif popularity theories…. - Kitchop - 15-Oct-2024 10:17 PM
😂 EOM - Wahoo - 15-Oct-2024 4:00 PM
That IS too young for magic mushrooms. Maybe they are budding vegans? - Kitchop - 14-Oct-2024 9:47 PM
Plush, wooden, foam, & silicone Mushroom toys are very popular... - OnAnAlanisJAG - 15-Oct-2024 8:29 AM
There’s a Guardians game on tonight. I call it a Yankees game but - Kitchop - 14-Oct-2024 3:35 PM
I just came in from my last gathering with Sis and BIL. My niece - Wahoo - 14-Oct-2024 6:31 PM
- Live jazz and “appetizers for dinner” sounds right up my alley. 🎷🎹🍤🥑 EOM - Kitchop - 14-Oct-2024 9:43 PM
I just came in from my last gathering with Sis and BIL. My niece - Wahoo - 14-Oct-2024 6:31 PM
Our similar "adventures" scare me sometimes... - Sparky - 15-Oct-2024 8:22 AM
Happy Thanksgiving Day to my fellow SZ’s Canadians 🍁🍁🎃🇨🇦 - Leia - 14-Oct-2024 7:41 AM
- Happy (belated) Thanksgiving to SZ’s Canadians 🍁🇨🇦 - OnAnAlanisJAG - 15-Oct-2024 6:18 AM
- Happy Thanksgiving!!!! 🍁🍁🎃🇨🇦 EOM - ladyday - 14-Oct-2024 2:44 PM
- Happy Thanksgiving Day, SZ’s Canadians! EOM - Wahoo - 14-Oct-2024 11:44 AM
- Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian neighbors! EOM - Kitchop - 14-Oct-2024 9:55 AM
Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians! Happy Birthday, Dreamylyfe! EOM - AmberRedux - 14-Oct-2024 9:31 AM
- Thank you! It was, in fact, on my birthday this year. EOM - Dreamylyfe - 16-Oct-2024 3:31 PM
- Happy Thanksgiving! EOM - Sparky - 14-Oct-2024 9:11 AM
- Happy Thanksgiving Day to ALL the Canadian SZers!! EOM - chloe - 14-Oct-2024 8:03 AM
spent last week in Boston, for work. - chloe - 14-Oct-2024 7:09 AM
Nice! Boston is the only major city I've visited that I can envision living in - Wahoo - 14-Oct-2024 11:46 AM
- there aren't a TON of huge, tall buildings - chloe - 14-Oct-2024 12:13 PM
I haven’t been to Boston in a long time. I’d like to get to Fenway sometime. - Kitchop - 14-Oct-2024 10:01 AM
- I was near Fenway, once. LOL - chloe - 14-Oct-2024 12:11 PM
Jealous... I got to spend a few hours in Boston years ago on the - Sparky - 14-Oct-2024 9:10 AM
- it's smaller, which makes it feel more walk-able to me. - chloe - 14-Oct-2024 12:09 PM
Nice! Boston is the only major city I've visited that I can envision living in - Wahoo - 14-Oct-2024 11:46 AM