SoapZone Community Message Board


I know what you mean. I told my granddaughter we were gonna be

From: Sparky Find all posts by Sparky Send private message to Sparky
Date: Thu, 24-Oct-2024 1:20:34 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WE ARE BACK-Half of the Week of October 21st POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: we hired 2 guys to stack our firewood this year. posted by chloe
muscle women.

My husband tried to find someone to do it.

My son would but he is working out of town and we want to get it up while it is dry.

The granddaughter will get paid for helping... I will only get paid in warmth this winter... a lower electric bill and maybe some muscles : )

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