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I actually worked myself into a minor panic the other day...I was

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 25-Oct-2024 1:29:10 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WE ARE BACK-Half of the Week of October 21st POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: I’d be very frustrated with the lack of regular schedule too. It’s hard to posted by Kitchop
driving to work around 2:40 PM and suddenly thought "wait...was I supposed to start at 2:00 or 3:00?" I was a little worried all the way up to when I walked into the store and SM greeted me with her normal greeting, not "where have you BEEN???".

Is it possible for her to make the schedule monthly instead of weekly?

Good question! I know she makes out the schedule two weeks in advance. When I did the craft show a couple Saturdays ago with bff, I'd checked beforehand to see when I was scheduled to work that day. I saw the schedule hadn't been made up yet...the next morning, roughly 18 hours after I'd checked my schedule, I asked SM if I could have that day off and she told me no, she'd already made up the schedule and would "have to check with the regional manager about changing it*", which I took to mean "no, you can't have that day off".

* which I found odd since SM always brags about how it's HER store and she does what SHE wants, and as I mentioned in my original post, she told me this week that she and she alone is responsible for the schedule.

I learned from that experience...last week, when the store was empty, I told SM I had two schedule requests. First, I told her I was fine with working on November 5 but it had to be either the regular 5 hour morning shift or the 4 or 5 hour evening shift, not some weird 10:00-5:00 thing, because that is, of course, Election Day and Dad and I (and Mom, Dad and I when Mom was still alive) always go together to vote and then go for a meal afterwards. When I was at the bindery, it was vote after (my) work and then dinner; then at the factory after that job, when I worked second shift, it was early vote, then early lunch. I mentioned that I would prefer a morning shift...that week, I'm working three "odd" shifts (noon-7:15, which means no meal with Dad--on weekdays we ALWAYS sit down for a meal together, be it lunch or dinner). But I *am* working 9:00-3:00 on Election Day, so I will get home around 3:30, change, lounge around a bit and then go vote with Dad and go out to dinner somewhere.

Second, I told SM I needed December 6 off because that's another craft show bff and I will be selling at. She said that was fine--SM was in a remarkably good mood, so we must've had a profitable day--but I won't believe it until late November when the schedule for the first week of December is out.

Incidentally, when I came in to work after the first craft show, I was talking to the woman who'd worked the morning shift and she told me she would've gladly worked the entire day and I should've called her <facepalm> I didn't know that was a thing we could do...

Boo to jobs that people routinely only last two days in. Nobody needs that kind of employer. In the meantime, at least, you didn’t work this past very hot summer in an unairconditioned workplace like you did at the job you quit. Instead, you got free clothes.

I thought about that frequently during our stretch of 90+ degree days this summer and wondered how my fellow co-workers were faring. As for the free clothes...see my reply to Sparky for a wardrobe update <g>.

I hope you find a job that’s better for you soon.

Thank you, my dear! I'm undecided if I think it would be totally annoying or kind of fun to work through the winter holidays. I'm guessing annoying since SM is usually more tense than a guitar string on a GOOD day, and I'm sure the stress of the holidays are going to ramp up her tension to about 1000.

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