SoapZone Community Message Board


Yet another update...half day!

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Fri, 25-Oct-2024 9:06:31 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WE ARE BACK-Half of the Week of October 21st POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: The remodel continues!!! posted by Justathot
There was only one worker on site today. He worked about half the day. Fortunately, it was the half that mattered. While he was there with the gate open, workers from other businesses came.

Someone came from a local glass shop to measure and make an estimate to replace the broken window in my daughter's bedroom door. It had been broken for a while (a rock thrown by a lawnmower, I think). It's an encapsulated window (a pane of glass on the inside, a pane of glass on the outside, window blinds in between with a slide device to tilt, raise, or lower the blinds) and has to be completely removed and replaced. He can't just replace the broke/shattered outer glass.

Two guys from my HVAC company came. I thought they were just going to do a recon to figure out what was needed and where they were going to place the mini split that will be in the new room when it's finished. Nope. They ran the lines from the heat pump to the location of the new mini split, so we have a bent line sticking out into the room. They're ready to hang the mini split when we reach that point. (That's mini split number seven.) They asked if I wanted the last mini split installed, but we agreed that we'd wait because we don't even have a concept of what the new bathroom is going to look like, the size, the exact location, etc.

I called the contractor after my daughter and I dropped off our ballots and bought lunch at a fast food joint to find out if the guy/guys(?) (I'd only seen one) was/were done for the day. He apologized for not letting me know, but the guy was gone, there'd been a mix up, yes, the guy was done. SO, I secured the gate and let the dogs run free after checking for items that could hurt them. They're done for the weekend. I think the guy finished the roof work.

Progress. Serious progress! I may get to sleep in this weekend!

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