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That is so kind of you! If you had asked me before I started this job

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sat, 26-Oct-2024 6:52:25 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WE ARE BACK-Half of the Week of October 21st POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: I am the employee at my office who brings others clothes... I took a trash bag posted by Sparky
if I had too many clothes, I would've probably said yes. But now, comparing my closet to those of my co-workers and some of our customers, I'm starting to think I don't have nearly enough <g>. I've heard not one but SEVERAL customers say they have 20+ pairs of jeans. Until a few weeks ago, I had exactly four pairs of jeans, and one pair isn't fit to be seen in public*. I bought a couple pairs of jeans from work, and then I bought a couple more pairs at a place called Discount Fashion Warehouse that together didn't cost me what one pair of jeans from my workplace cost, even with my employee discount...and now I think I have too many jeans.

* My "not suitable for public" jeans really aren't that bad. A couple years ago, I found a pair of jeans at Old Navy that fit very well and were on a terrific sale ($6) but were a little darker blue than I like and had extremely unfortunate bright orange stitching. I got the bright idea of bleaching them but I wound up with streaks that are almost white. They look sort of tie-dye, which I thought was cool, but as nobody else has ever complimented them, I might be wrong <g>. And then I got a hole near the knee of the right leg and while ripped jeans are certainly fashionable, ones that are deliberately distressed usually have more than one hole. At least the hole is nowhere revealing.

And the thought of retiring makes me uneasy. I love working... even if I don't always love my work... if that makes sense. I end up turning whatever I am doing into work so I might as well get paid for it!

It makes sense to me! It also reminds me of a former co-worker, "N", from the last place I worked. She was...not a great person (unlike you--you're absolutely GRAND!) and was prone to lying. One of her favorite topics to lie about was her salary. She made claims such as "My now deceased husband and I made a ton of money on rental units but my current boyfriend and I decided to give it ALL to the kids and live only on what we make ourselves" (OK, maybe not a lie but...kind of foolish, especially since she always claimed all of her kids were making 6 figures) and "I'm a registered nurse but I work here instead of in nursing because this pays more" (uh...NO. I know how much *I* made, and thanks to bff being a nurse, I knew how much even the greenest nurses made, and since this woman started long after me...yeah, no). N also used to claim all the time that she loooooooves work, she loves to work, she can't imagine not working, so another time when she was talking about all this money her bf was making and how she'd socked away sooooo much of her salary that she could afford to retire (and was old enough to), I asked her "why don't you?" She reiterated that she loooooooves to work, so I suggested she retire and then do some kind of charity work to stay busy. She looked at me, totally horrified at the mere thought, and said "Oh no, I have to get PAID". Which made me think she doesn't work because she loooooooves to work or even because she loves to stay busy but because she needs, or just plain loves, money.

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