SoapZone Community Message Board



From: Bunky Find all posts by Bunky Send private message to Bunky
Date: Sat, 26-Oct-2024 7:17:08 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: WE ARE BACK-Half of the Week of October 21st POTPOURRI posted by chloe
Sorry I was MIA. Work has gotten crazy --so much so that everyone is quitting as soon as we find new jobs.
As some of you may or may not remember,my Supervisors position was eliminated and was made concierge. She HATED it because she's using to moving around. She was told by new boss that she HAS to stay put and if you go on break or whatever -then have someone take your place at the desk because it can't be left unattended 🙄

Fwd -she walked out due to not being able to work nights. Boss is all-no you HAVE to!! But that's where B(former Super)draws the

Recently a lot of us(B included)were reminiscing about the good times we've had there on FB And B decided we should all meet for lunch or dinner 😊
I suggested we should meet monthly .

So even though we're all going out separate ways soon-I gained some good friends in the process ❤️

Oh and now I'm sick and hubby is just getting over it. Thank God they're just colds and nothing more(I tested us).

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