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Yesterday, I went with bff and her Sis, BIL and niece to the local

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 28-Oct-2024 8:19:19 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 28 POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
farm park for their annual Halloween display. Pre-COVID, it was a haunted hayride thing; now it's a drive-thru experience. It's super popular and tickets can be hard to come by but bff got one the day before we went. You pay per car, not person...anyways, after dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant (our second choice--our first choice was packed with people and it would've been a 40 minute wait), we drove through the Halloween display. It was...interesting. Different parts of the drive have different themes; while some were pretty traditional (the graveyard, the pumpkin patch, the ode to scary movies), others were definitively less so. For example, the first part is strangely airport-themed. I guess an airport can be scary if it's big and crowded and you're about to miss your flight? After that, it was skeletons with signs indicating they were Taylor Swift fans, followed by oversized album covers and a trio of teen volunteers singing TS songs on a stage. Um...OK? I enjoyed the drive-thru very, very much, and it was clear they put a LOT of work into the displays but at times it felt like there was a committee asking for suggestions and eventually not saying "no" to any of them <g>.

After the event, we went back to bff's Sis' house for cannoli (from the Italian restaurant we'd dined at earlier) and an airing of It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, which bff's sis had on a VHS tape. I can't remember the last time I saw ItGPCB; the only CB holiday special that's must-see TV for me is A Charlie Brown Christmas. Something kind of funny: the only seating in bff's sis' living room that has a view of the TV is a long couch and a somewhat fancy chair in the corner. Usually bff's BIL sits in the fancy chair but last night he gave me "the seat of honor" and grabbed a chair from the dining room for himself, while everyone else sat on the couch. Bff's Sis has two cats--Milo and Otis--who are littermates and going on 19 years old. Poor Otis is exhibiting signs of winding down but Milo seems as spry as ever. But he was mightily confused last night...usually bff's BIL sits in the fancy(ish) chair and Milo jumps up and stretches out next to him on the seat cushion. After we all sat down last night, Milo came into the room, stopped, looked at bff's BIL, looked at me, looked at BIL, looked at me again...couldn't decide where to go. Milo eventually came over and snuggled next to me for a few minutes, then like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory not sitting in "his" spot, Milo was all "nope", and jumped down. He wandered to the kitchen, came back, tried curling up next to me again for about 5 minutes or so, decided "nope" again, jumped down, bothered his brother who was now happily lounging on the couch between the sis and niece, then finally decided I was OK to recline next to...just in time for me to leave 10 minutes later. When I was departing, I looked back; Milo was sort of crouching on the chair, still looking mightily confused. Poor kitty.

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