SoapZone Community Message Board


Yep.... Thanksgiving prep is going on here too...

From: Sparky Find all posts by Sparky Send private message to Sparky
Date: Mon, 28-Oct-2024 7:34:59 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 28 POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
In reply to: We haven't given out candy in years. Got a start on some of the posted by Capricorn
Me, my oldest granddaughter, and my son are working on getting the house, porches, side walks etc. all pressure washed.

We only get to work on it on weekends and some evenings after school work so it takes a while. The front and one side of the house are done. The back of the house is done... but not the side walks and porch.

Then the inside cleaning begins... but I will be out of town all next week so that will put me a week behind. *sigh* Where does time go!?

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