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To say you guys had less of a shut down than we did is putting it mildly.

From: Dreamylyfe Find all posts by Dreamylyfe View Dreamylyfe's profile Send private message to Dreamylyfe
Date: Wed, 30-Oct-2024 7:40:44 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 28 POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
In reply to: i'm shocked it got MORE expensive during/after COVID!! posted by chloe
Basically no one had a WEDDING for two years up here. So there was this giant backlog because while it's cheap to get married, people DO want that party. So we had a giant backlog and venues had lost a ton of money so they were charging more just to avoid foreclosing. It may even out, but the prices for everything wedding-related went way up.

prices went down because no one was booking ANYTHING and venues were just begging for events to put on. We went to one in August of 2021, originally scheduled for August 2020 and the cost savings were so much that the couple ended up getting a horse-drawn carriage not just for themselves, but for RIDES for everyone during the reception!

Mindblowing. Complete opposite here.

i guess other places wanted to 'make up' what they lost on the few events they were able to book - and that's such a garbage way to behave.

It's been an issue with hair salons, too. They were shut down for most of a year and the prices have gone way, way up. My hairdresser is giving me a deal right now because I think she's embarrassed by how much her salon is charging. She said she's lost all her colour clients.

Four Weddings drove me batty!! The element of cattiness was too much for me to take, LOL. I was watching old episodes of Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta Bridesmaids edition, and I had to turn it off, they catty bridesmaids were over the TOP!

The women on Atlanta were the worst! Jenners once told me that NYC is where you get the terrible sisters and Atlanta you get the awful mothers. But I remember they also had a lot of nightmare bridesmaids. I was always much more about Kleinfelds. Randy over Monty.

I'll also add that I can't watch Canadian Four Weddings because it was a million times meaner than the US version, which is so weird.

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