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I'm very wary of how fast a woman gets called a bridezilla.

From: Dreamylyfe Find all posts by Dreamylyfe View Dreamylyfe's profile Send private message to Dreamylyfe
Date: Thu, 31-Oct-2024 6:41:53 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 28 POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
In reply to: If you like AITH? You should check out the wedding subreddits. Oh my--- posted by K_StillNotOver2016



I somehow keep getting served the subreddit about what to wear as a guest and it's bizarrely fascinating -- but so much fighting. "You can't wear that pattern, it has too much white!" "It's base is blue. It's not a white dress." "Why not just wear a dress with NO white, then?" "Because she has this dress already?"

So heated.

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