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I swear, it's almost always either the bride making absolutely

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Thu, 31-Oct-2024 7:25:29 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 28 POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
In reply to: If you like AITH? You should check out the wedding subreddits. Oh my--- posted by K_StillNotOver2016
ridiculous demands ("everyone wear outfits straight out of the Bridgerton series!") or someone behaving like a total jerk ("my MIL insists on wearing a wedding dress too and getting the first dance with her son before we have our first dance as a couple!"). But then I guess we just don't hear about weddings that go well or weddings during which there are only minor mishaps.

My personal favorite "minor mishap" story: a friend of mine from high school got married 6 months after graduating from college. We'd lost touch during our college years so I was surprised to not only hear from her again, not only be invited to her wedding, not only to be asked to BE in her wedding but to be asked to be her only attendant. Turns out she'd been engaged her last year of college to a different guy and had a big wedding planned with a bunch of college friends as bridesmaids...then she called off the wedding at the last minute (she never told me exactly why), which upset her friends who thought they were the perfect couple and didn't want to be in the wedding if the groom was a different guy. Anyways, the (second) wedding was in the couple's church. At the back of the auditorium was a room with a wall of giant windows that looked over the auditorium. That was the room we mostly got ready in. As the ceremony started, my friend's dad proudly walked his wife down to her seat...and then sat down next to her. My friend was watching through the window and freaked out..."he's supposed to come back and get me! He's supposed to walk me down the aisle!". I told her to relax, he'll figure it out. I don't know if he did indeed figure out what he'd done wrong or if it was his wife's elbow poke to his side but the dad suddenly jumped up and hustled back up the aisle to get into position to walk his daughter down the aisle. It was actually funny in retrospect.

Oh, and they also forgot to light the unity candle but here we are, 34 years and four kids later and they're still happily married.

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