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Two random comments...first, I had a looooong post typed out

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sat, 02-Nov-2024 3:00:52 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 28 POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
about something that happened at work today that really upset my store manager (and thus me, as she takes out her bad moods on those around her), and while I'm 100% on SM's side, I decided not to post all the details because...well, mostly because it all came across as a bit mean but also because I didn't feel good about naming names. So I'm just going to leave it at this: if you buy something at a store that's part of a national chain and you need to return it, please do your best to return it to the store you purchased the item at. I didn't know until I started my current job that--at least at my workplace--the store that receives the return takes the hit, not the store that sold the item in the first place.

Random comment #2: when I woke up this morning, I thought I might be getting a cold sore. I got them a lot as a kid but haven't had one in decades...after work, I went to CVS thinking I'd buy a little tube of Abreva and holy smokes, it was $25! Hard pass. I wound up stopping at the Discount Drug Mart in my town and seeing the same tube of Abreva for much less ($20), but I also found a tube of something called Zilactin, which was only $9. Since I'm not even sure this IS a cold sore--I've had pepperoni pizza every day since last Monday, so it might just be a reaction to all the acid in the tomato sauce--I bought the $9...AND I had money left over to buy a bag of dark chocolate M&Ms, which Dad and I love. Not many stores around us carry dark chocolate M&Ms; those that do are often charging top dollar for them, so I was super happy to see the small bag on sale for $4. Still kind of expensive but the same bag at Giant Eagle is usually around $7, so there's that.

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