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I use to do endearments but I heard a lot of people say they don't

From: The_Cat_Did_It Find all posts by The_Cat_Did_It View The_Cat_Did_It's profile Send private message to The_Cat_Did_It
Date: Sat, 02-Nov-2024 6:31:54 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 28 POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
In reply to: Honestly? I hate endearments from strangers. But with a lack of … posted by AmberRedux
like it from strangers so now I keep it just to people I know personally. (My niece will always be "baby girl" to me, I don't care how old she is.) I've gotten into the habit of saying "Thank you very much" to cashiers or servers or store workers instead of "thank you, sir/ma'am" because I don't know how they identify.

It's funny because I've said "Happy holidays" for like 35 years just because I felt it covered all the different holidays between Thanksgiving to New Year's. Only recently have people acted offended over it.

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