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I love it! This is a bit off topic but I've discovered a fondness for tossing

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sun, 03-Nov-2024 12:44:11 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 28 POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
In reply to: With younger people (or those that I sense have a sense of humor) posted by Sparky
out Gen Z or Gen Alpha slang every now and then when I run across a person from either of those generations. Most of them think it's pretty funny. The other day, we had a young mother come into the store with her two small girls and HER mother. The younger of the two girls looked to be not quite 2 yet, and she was toddling around, smiling and babbling at everyone, and at one point, she went over to the board where all the jewelry was hanging and oh so gently ran her tiny hand over some of the pieces. I was impressed with her care and I told her " mindful, so demure!" Her mom was both pleased with the compliment and utterly amused that I knew what that meant and how to use it.

Another story: there was a night at my previous job when I was working on an assembly line with 3 "kids" half my age, plus a supervisor and assistant supervisor also half my age, plus a woman who was 18 months older than me. I had the last job on the line and it was my responsibility to watch everyone, observe as they were adding their parts to the unit going down the line and then yell "PASS!" when everyone was done so the units kept moving down the line. I was in a mood that night and getting SUPER bored with just yelling "PASS!", plus we were having a conversation about the slang of each generation and what it means, so at one point that night, instead of yelling "PASS!", I yelled "YEET!" and did a little dap to go with it. Then we had to stop for 2-3 minutes so everyone could finish laughing hysterically. Apparently we old folks are hilarious when we try to relate <g>.

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