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I hate getting up in the dark but I also hate eating dinner in the dark

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 04-Nov-2024 8:11:21 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~~~~WEEK OF NOVEMBER 4TH POTPOURRI~~~~ posted by chloe
In reply to: It got dark while I was swimming this afternoon. It was disorienting. I do not posted by Kitchop
(on weekday nights when I'm not working, we eat at 6:00 PM). Not sure which of those I hate more...

What WAS disorienting today was neither Dad nor I went to get the mail this afternoon. I only realized that when I got an e-mail from Home Free telling me the (new) Christmas CD I'd ordered had arrived. So I went out at 9:00 PM, in the dark, to fetch the mail...I was wearing just a light, long-sleeved shirt and comfy, light yoga pants and except for when the breeze picked up, I wasn't the least bit cold. It's November...most years by now, I'd have the heavy comforter on the bed and would've needed a heavy coat to get the mail after dark. Or maybe even before it got dark.

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