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i've been googling...and it doesn't sound easy

From: chloe Find all posts by chloe Send private message to chloe
Date: Tue, 05-Nov-2024 8:14:47 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~~~~WEEK OF NOVEMBER 4TH POTPOURRI~~~~ posted by chloe
In reply to: Any tips for getting stuck paper off wood? posted by Kris
it appears you have to SAND OFF the paper-stuck-with-acetone then 're-stain' the area.

now, I don't know how one can sand just a spot and get a stain to match the rest of the table, but if you LOVE the table, it might be worth getting a carpenter to sand the WHOLE top and restain it.

Other ideas are to sand off the spot then paint the spot with a marker.

another idea that I really liked after reading the other ideas was using the marker overtop of the newspaper, basically trying to color it the same as the table top.

i have an antique desk/table/hutch thingie that is still sporting a ring of red nailpolish my older sister spilled onto it about 20 years ago. LOL

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