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Oh, boy. You may enjoy this...

From: Dreamylyfe Find all posts by Dreamylyfe View Dreamylyfe's profile Send private message to Dreamylyfe
Date: Wed, 06-Nov-2024 2:30:59 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~~~~WEEK OF NOVEMBER 4TH POTPOURRI~~~~ posted by chloe
In reply to: OMG…somewhat TMI but 😹😹😹😹 posted by Cassie
my aunt has been going through her mother's old diaries and she's going to publish them -- they're an interesting slice of life in Southern Ontario in the late 30s, early 40s. Anyway.

She was going through old letters that my grandfather has sent to my grandmother and she found some stuff that didn't make any sense so she sent pictures of the letters to my mother and their other sister.

The other sister was ALSO confused, but my mother was... not.

It was... um... NSFW.

Mom told me "They wrote in code, is the problem. and she needed me to spell out exactly what he was saying, even though some of it seemed quite obvious."

Anyway. My poor aunts, being scandalized by their parents' sex lives a few decades after they both died... At least they don't have to look them in the eye.

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