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Virgos unite <g>...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Thu, 07-Nov-2024 6:29:46 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~~~~WEEK OF NOVEMBER 4TH POTPOURRI~~~~ posted by chloe
In reply to: Not surprisingly (must be yet another Virgo thing) I do the same thing... much posted by Sparky
much of the words and phrases etc. I use come from things my kids, nieces, nephews, etc. said when they were little.

In my family, how you said things as a kid stayed with the family a LONG time. I used to call basset hounds "basket hounds", and basket hounds they remain. There were more but it was a long day at work today and I'm drawing a blank on other examples...

Instead of explode I often say Kasplode like one of nieces used to say. I call aluminum... lilinoonium like one of nephews. Toothpaste is Poop taste. Parmesan cheese is Palmer John cheese. I really never ends. Oh and lily pads are liddy piddys and caterpillars are Patty Wheelers. Pepsi is Pesbee.

SO cute!

Instead of saying blind as a bat... it is blind as a Tom cat. And if anyone ever criticizes anything about me I tell them "well... you don't have a good sewing machine"... which is long story and only those in the family get the joke.

One of my favorites is the time Dad couldn't remember the phrase "flip them the bird" and instead said "toss them the bird". We laughed about that and then further mutated the phrase to "toss them the turkey". We've also adopted my bff's dad's saying "off like a herd of turtles!". I'd always thought that was original to him, so you can imagine my surprise when a couple of women were shopping at my workplace the one day and the one turns to the other and said "let's like a herd of turtles!"

I practically have my own language made up from funny or cute things assorted kids have said over the years.

Oh, Dad and I *definitely* have our own language but it's mostly quotes from favorite TV shows-- quotes from M*A*S*H, WKRP in Cincinnati, Wings, Big Bang Theory and especially Night Court. We can practically have entire conversations in Night Court quotes. More current (but not MUCH more current)...a few years ago, I saw the movie The Secret Life of Pets in the theater with my good church friend and about a million kids. I told Dad later the movie was pretty cute and I told him the biggest laugh--for the kids, not me--was when the old dog "Pops" said "poopy ca-ca". Actually, I misquoted Pops a little; someone asked him "what's that smell" and his exact line was "It's poo-poo with a dash of ca-ca". Somehow, "poopy ca-ca" became a BIG catchphrase, usually said in the place of, uh, "ish" but mostly said when one has had a small accident (not THAT kind of accident). Knock over a picture frame on the end table? Poopy ca-ca. Forget where your reading glasses are? Poopy ca-ca. Drop a dish and break it? Yep...poopy ca-ca.

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