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Busy weekend between the usual household/weekend cleaning stuff,

From: Capricorn Find all posts by Capricorn Send private message to Capricorn
Date: Sun, 10-Nov-2024 12:58:51 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~~~~WEEK OF NOVEMBER 4TH POTPOURRI~~~~ posted by chloe
there has been a lot of extra cleaning with an eye towards Thanksgiving

2 shelves of various glassware (no, not all of it will be used) but at least I know it's clean if someone wants a real glass and not a "red solo cup" which are also available.

Got both mantles cleaned and the items on them wiped off.

Hubby has spent the last week tearing our deck down. There are still a few boards up, but he hopes to have them down before the contractor shows up tomorrow to build us anew smaller deck.

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