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Happiness for me died last week for a LOT of reasons.

From: K_StillNotOver2016 Find all posts by K_StillNotOver2016 Send private message to K_StillNotOver2016
Date: Sun, 10-Nov-2024 4:44:58 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~~Week of November 4th TV 📺 Post posted by Leia
In reply to: Finally saw the episode last night. By the # of posts, I thought someone died posted by Antwon
But you know...wrong board and all.

As a gay man who has dated two bi men--it's never going to work.

It does work. But a lot of people also have your experience which explains Tommy's decision because he probably has had similar experiences--although I think it was less that Buck was bi and more than he was newly bi/out. I've certainly read that some newly out queer people can experience a bit of a new adolescence, so to speak, where they allow themselves to things they had previously denied themselves.

I think the Abby twist was pretty lame and even more so how out of the blue the break-up was. I will say that this was Buck's first toe dip at exploring his sexuality. And I believe that Buck was all in but Tommy wasn't because he knew from the beginning what it was--fun. He cares about Buck but I never got the impression that Tommy ever felt like they were long-term. I know Tommy/Buck had a legion of fans and I'm sorry for my SZoners who were saddened by the contrived break-up.

Thanks. I think the problem is that the previous episode showed them solid as boyfriends. If the plan was to break them up, they shouldn't have done an episode where I ended up caring even more.

But the whole Abby thing shows how little they think through things.

And I will say again that I hope they NEVER do Buck and Eddie. They are best friends. Eddie Diaz is straight.

Yes he is. The most exhausting thing this week is having Buddie fans crow about how we should have seen this coming because of (sort of confusing, IMO) interviews yet ignore how straight they're making Eddie. The actor is very passionate about wanting to show that male vulnerability doesn't mean anything about his sexuality.

That being said. I don't remember ever seeing a Buck/Abby love scene. Nothing more than kissing? It's been a long time. Did I forget?

This show doesn't really do love scenes. Buck and Abby kissed, then moved to the bedroom, and were shown asleep together. The show mostly implies sex by showing role-playing or the after effects like Buck pulling up his zipper during his ho phase. I think Buck and Taylor had a sexy kiss in bed at one point. Eddie's the one one they use most, I think. There have been a few scenes of him rolling off of his partner in bed which again, IMO, reinforces that he's not gay to the general audience watching. I know it's all more nuanced than that but most of the viewers aren't going to understand that nuance.

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