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I'm generally a "pizza once a month" gal. I like to order it for Sunday

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Tue, 12-Nov-2024 3:41:58 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WEEK of NOVEMBER 11 POTPOURRI POST posted by chloe
In reply to: Fun! Pizza is yummy, but my joints kill me the day after I eat it, posted by Cassie
dinner and then have it for lunch the next couple days. Or maybe for breakfast--I'm not picky about when I eat pizza <g>.

I've also warmed (pun intended) considerably to frozen pizza the last few years. When I was a kid, any pizza would do but when I hit adulthood, I became a bit of a pizza snob. For years, the only frozen pizza I liked was Stouffer's french bread pizza and the occasional Bambino Pizza Formaggio (single serving cheese pizza) from Trader Joe's. But I found that California Pizza Kitchen's frozen pizzas are almost as good as those in the restaurant, and I really like Motor City Pizza Co.'s 5 cheese bread, which is kind of like a cheesy white pizza. Surprisingly, many of Aldi's pizzas are pretty decent. Not as good as a pie from a pizza place or restaurant but not bad; I recently devoured a Mama Cozzi's (Aldi's brand) roasted veggie pizza with goat cheese and balsamic drizzle and thought it was pretty tasty.

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