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No, they can't really do that give where our stadium is.

From: Dreamylyfe Find all posts by Dreamylyfe View Dreamylyfe's profile Send private message to Dreamylyfe
Date: Fri, 15-Nov-2024 7:57:53 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WEEK of NOVEMBER 11 POTPOURRI POST posted by chloe
In reply to: aaaahhhhh, have they approved the tailgating? posted by chloe
The Skydome (aka "The Rogers Centre") is in the core of the city next to the CN Tower and the Aquarium, so all the parking is underground. but there is a big wide space around it and people are coming down well in advance and just partying around the city. So it's about double the people coming into the city.

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