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I have to drive to NC, my mom is going to have surgery

From: Kris Find all posts by Kris Send private message to Kris
Date: Fri, 15-Nov-2024 2:18:17 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: WEEK of NOVEMBER 11 POTPOURRI POST posted by chloe
So I know I've mentioned before that my mom is not in the best of health. She has had long standing gastrointestinal issues (that most people would have seen a doctor about 25 years ago but I digress) and was supposed to have a colonoscopy. Before the colonoscopy they wanted to do a CT scan to make sure that the diverticulitis she has had calmed down so they could actually do the colonoscopy.

She almost canceled the CT because she said she wasn't feeling well and knew the diverticulitis was flaring up. Well luckily they insisted on her keeping the appointment, because it turns out that she has a perforated bowel. They had to call my brother to get her to the hospital ASAP last night. She called and she was so scared and worried, she just wanted us to know she loved us šŸ˜„. They didn't do the surgery last night and are instead trying IV antibiotics and will do the surgery probably Monday or Tuesday. They said they'll need to remove part of her colon and she'll have a colostomy bag after. It's theoretically reversible but in all reality it probably won't be because of the risk of more surgery.

It's actually pretty risky - she has heart and lung issues and so we're all pretty worried she won't make it. I'm going to drive down Sunday morning (I was contemplating flying - I have a bunch of AA miles I could use, but I'm worried that if everything goes well and I was able to come back early next week that I wouldn't be able to because of the holiday). I'm her medical power of attorney (mainly because she was convinced in a funny but not funny way that my older brother would pull the plug at any hint of an issue šŸ˜‚). So I need to get there and see her.

So any prayers and good thoughts are appreciated! And double if the surgery is Monday - it's my niece's birthday so it would be awful if something happened that day šŸ˜„

PS - Now I am REALLY glad we didn't decide to go to Europe for Thanksgiving! I guess I need to trust Mr. Kris's bad feelings more!

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