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it was another glorious, yet weirdly warm weekend.

From: chloe Find all posts by chloe Send private message to chloe
Date: Mon, 18-Nov-2024 8:28:35 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: WEEK OF NOVEMBER 18 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
the 2nd tree we planted after we moved in has died. We are pretty sure the issue was Round-Up run-off from the highway and bridge project that's been going on all year. They pretty much coated the whole hillside in Round-up because the year prior, whomever had control of the project put GRASS on a steep incline and guess what? NO ONE CAN MOW IT. I guess using the weed whacker was too time consuming, so they just sprayed everything.

and then when those big rains came in August, all that Round up washed down the hill, into my yard, across it and then sat in a huge puddle...surrounding the base of this tree.

tree sucked up the roundup and started dying from the ground up.

But we were outside in shirt sleeves!

It's still darn near gorgeous outside today as well, but after some much-needed rain on Thursday, temps should settle back into the normal range.

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