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We finished The Americans this weekend. They nailed the landing. Perfect ending spoiler

From: senorbrightside Find all posts by senorbrightside View senorbrightside's profile Send private message to senorbrightside
Date: Mon, 18-Nov-2024 2:10:42 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 📺 Week of November 18th TV Post 📺 posted by Leia
to a fantastic series. Definitely recommend it, and I'm so glad I finally got arund to watching it. El Chico also loved it. I'm still not over the finale 48 hours later.

(going to get spoilery so if you are thinking of watching it and haven't don't read)

My only complaint about the series finale (or final season) is that we didn't get one last look at poor Martha, but at the same time, completely okay with it as we saw her in the S5 finale.

The series is a slow burn...storylines introduced in S1 that seemed to have no point start to pay off in S3 and 4. (Like poor Martha.)

I kinda suspected before watching the finale that either Stan would let them go somehow, or Paige/Henry/Claudia would kill Stan, but I was so anxious during the garage confrontation. Also kinda screamed when they showed Paige on the train platform...such a great twist that made perfect sense.

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