SoapZone Community Message Board


Glad to hear it went well and quicker than expected.

From: Capricorn Find all posts by Capricorn Send private message to Capricorn
Date: Wed, 20-Nov-2024 2:28:51 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WEEK OF NOVEMBER 18 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: Mom's surgery went well! posted by Kris
Funny story though - last night after recovery when she was first in the ICU we went to see her. She was far more lucid than we were expecting, but at one point she kept saying "Jefferson" and we had no idea why. Then she starts talking again and we got really close and she says "monument". And we're like, Jefferson Monument? (I realize now she meant Jefferson Memorial, but same thing). And she says yes. So we're looking around the room, looking for a picture of it or something, and she says "up there". So we look up and the vent in the ceiling really does kind of look like the Jefferson Memorial. The nurse said she was the first person to ever say that 😂

ETA: The vent [link]

It does kind of look like it! lol

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