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Home stretch-ish...

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Sun, 24-Nov-2024 5:31:54 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WEEK OF NOVEMBER 18 POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: Sorting and breaking down stuff... posted by Justathot
Saturday the tile guy came in to install the tile so the toilet can be installed Monday(?). My daughter's bathroom will be done and she'll be able to move out of my kitchen space!!!!! (My other daughter will be done for Thanksgiving and she'll be sleeping on that couch.) We discussed tiling the room. He tiled the windowsills on Saturday, too.

My daughter and I looked for tile at the two box stores in town (Lowe's and Home Depot) and plan to look at tile at another smaller store (that costs more). We had to go to the paint store to get a sample of the paint to use while looking at tile samples...that made us discover that we don't like the color we used for the room. It was fine in a small sample, but it's not great all over the walls and the ceiling. <UGH>

We decided to focus on getting a neutral to gray tile (white with some gray in the pattern) to go with the gray we know we want for the cabinets and the granite that is gray with some purple/maroon/magenta (garnet(?)) pieces in it. We're getting a gray sofa and will be using charcoal gray grout for the tile.

Tomorrow should be busy but productive. As long as the toilet is in place, the rest of the week will be great.

Oh, the tile guy offered to pick up the tile and grout that we order and deliver it to the house so it will be here before he starts the job, possibly in early December. SERIOUS PROGRESS!!!!!!!

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