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Re: The situation with Kitt is the one blemish on the show.

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Mon, 02-Dec-2024 9:42:59 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🍂🍁Week of November 25th TV Post 📺 posted by Leia
In reply to: The situation with Kitt is the one blemish on the show. posted by Dreamylyfe
You and I are a similar age so we probably have a similar opinion about outing. But there's this weird thing that happens in fandom these days where actors who aren't public about their sexuality are accused of "queer baiting."

Yes we do. Oh wow!

Which is a problem, since the only solutions available are to ignore the harassment or come out. Kitt Connor opted for option two and was open about how he felt he was bullied into coming out by the fans of the show. Who seem to have lost the thread about how outing people is bad and people have a right to making their own choices about what they share with the public.

I felt bad for him but at the same time--I applaud him and the dressing down he gave in his post.

Anyway -- I fully agree. I'm two seasons behind (I share your queue problem!) but I did think it was very sweet and uplifting. Love the little cartoon flourishes. Loved Olivia Freaking Coleman as Nick's mom. I love how genuine Nick is. I need to catch up.

I feel like the cartoon flourishes would have annoyed me but it works here. I really like Nick's mom and Charlie's dad. His sister is a little weird but I love how she supports her brother. The sipping on a soda each time makes me chuckle. Sometimes she just appears. The one criticism I have is Tao. He irks me at time. The way he handled being the last to know about Nick/Charlie was rather immature. Okay. You are BFFs and you were hurt but then he was being just awful to Charlie. And then Charlie in turn was shady to Nick by leaving him on read. The look on Nick's face when he saw Charlie had read his message and then ignored him. 😞 I get it though--they are young.

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