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Not feeling Christmas this year. Thanksgiving didn't go very well

From: Capricorn Find all posts by Capricorn View Capricorn's profile Send private message to Capricorn
Date: Mon, 09-Dec-2024 2:32:16 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~WEEK OF DECEMBER 9th POST~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
(I don't want to talk about it).

Finally dragged the tree, it's decorations and some other decorations I have out. Put the tree up and the lights on it but that's all I've done so far. The ornaments are sitting there just sitting to be placed but I can't muster the enthusiasm to do it.

I have no shopping done nor any ideas.
Maybe I'll just go and hide somewhere for Christmas.

My one cousin and her hubby were in from Virginia to go the Steeler game yesterday. We drove into Pittsburgh Saturday and met them for dinner. Spent a couple of hours with them which was nice.

[Edited by Capricorn on Mon, 09-Dec-2024 2:33:09 PM PST]
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