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I’m really sorry to see this show end. To be honest, I’m a little icked out …

From: AmberRedux Find all posts by AmberRedux Send private message to AmberRedux
Date: Tue, 10-Dec-2024 6:36:05 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🎄 Week of December 9th TV Post 📺 posted by Leia
In reply to: I finished Somebody, Somewhere. Such a good, heartfelt, character-driven posted by Kitchop
… that Sam’s happy ending seemingly came in the form of a man. She’s a smart, strong woman, and I’m not sure I like the message that sends. But otoh, Sam’s budding relationship with Iceland is indicative of the “new Sam,” who is trying hard to take chances, so from that perspective, I liked it. And Sam’s friendship with Joel was also a happy ending. I loved that he reminded her (and us) of how it all started. I also loved Sam and Tricia coming to terms with Holly’s death. That was a good conversation.

I’m a bit concerned about Joel and Brad. Brad wants someone who can share his church family and Joel wants kids, and those are just the big issues. I want them to say more!

I just want another season. :o/

[Edited by AmberRedux on Tue, 10-Dec-2024 6:37:26 AM PST]
[Edited by AmberRedux on Tue, 10-Dec-2024 6:40:33 AM PST]
[Edited by AmberRedux on Tue, 10-Dec-2024 6:43:59 AM PST]
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