SoapZone Community Message Board



From: Bunky Find all posts by Bunky Send private message to Bunky
Date: Fri, 13-Dec-2024 12:47:18 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🎄 Week of December 9th TV Post 📺 posted by Leia
In reply to: THANK you! I admit I'm somewhat biased towards Dean because posted by Wahoo
And now Dean has left Lindsey and now him and Rory are a thing again. Ok.

I think it's weird how Lorelei and Luke got together..maybe it's just me? Either way-im glad they're FINALLY together.

Meanwhile,Jason is in the bathroom and I kept waiting for him to interrupt -but I'm glad Kirk did 😆
And I guess he's still in there?😂

Reminds me of Family Matters when the youngest went upstairs and we never saw her again 😂😂😂

I'm so loving this show! 😊

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