in town Tuesday night for work, so we are coming home.
I am not clear we are seeing my cousin. She can be flaky. But it looks like I'm going to SF with M, and while he's recording, etc., I'm going birding or museuming.
We have another couple atmospheric rivers (ARs) coming in, but I think SF is getting less than Sac, so I think I can go over to Land's End on Sunday to see birdies and etc. May also take myself over the bridge to the Marin Headlands.
We've had a succession of weaker ARs, but it's been enough to get us already to 1/3 of our annual average rainfall. Other than the strong winds this weekend that were very damaging, this isn't like 2023, but so far we are getting the rain we need, and the reservoirs have seen their water levels increase as they need to.