Meh, I guess I'm okay with the winner. It was impressive that Rachel won four immunity challenges. I just didn't care for her. I was pulling for Sam. I'm so glad he had such a great attitude about how he did. I just really like him and loved what Kyle said about him. I just wish Sam went over and gave him a hug. That was def a time for a bro hug!!!
My dude had the comeback of the year during the fire making challenge. Once again, we have someone saying: I know. I should have practiced making fire before coming on Survivor! Yes. You really should. But that was a nail-biter. What are the odds that Teeny would be moments away from winning and then the freaking wind shifts? Loved Sam's reaction. He even took a moment to go console Teeny. Not sure if you caught it but he gave her a kiss on her shoulder which was sweet.
Man that was a battle during the Q&A between Sam and Rachel. I find it hilarious and appropriate that Sue got ZERO votes 🤣 It has to sting a little. I've said this before and I'll say it again--I miss seeing the ENTIRE cast at the finale and I miss seeing everyone dressed up and polished. At the very least, allow the final 3 or 4 to shower and put on some decent clothes. I'm sure they smell.
All and all, it was a good season.