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So excited for the SF trip and seeing my cousin!

From: Cassie Find all posts by Cassie View Cassie's profile Send private message to Cassie
Date: Fri, 20-Dec-2024 12:27:16 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ⛄️ Week of December 16th Post 🎁🎅 posted by Leia
(BTW, many natives call SF, SF... MANY. Some claim they don't but I dunno, I know ppl with deep roots there who write SF for San Francisco).

Either way...

Sunday - M has his full day recording session. I got a recommendation for a museum, and purchased tickets at the DeYoung, which is in Golden Gate Park. Only $20. A MIRACLE in SF.

Time permitting, and weather permitting, I'll go to Lands End after that to do some birding.

Monday may be a museum day too (SF Asian Art Museum, which has an exhibit on KPOP and KDrama that sounds very cool.)

If it's not raining, M and I might go to Marin and tool around up there.

We see my cousin for dinner on Monday evening.

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