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Sunny and low 30s today....SUCH an improvement from sub-zero temps!

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 27-Jan-2025 9:10:13 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: LAST WEEK OF JANUARY POTPOURRI posted by chloe
it was 40 degrees at my house yesterday - that's the first time we've gotten over 40 since before christmas!

We might hit 40 next week. Right now, I'd just really like the sun and milder temperature to melt the chunks of ice still stubbornly clinging to the middle of the driveway and parts of the roof. Last night, I'd dozed off watching TV...somewhere around midnight, I awakened to an alarming sound that I couldn't quite place. Once I was more awake (and then was awake till after 2:00 AM, dang it!), I figured it was a chunk of ice sliding off the roof. Or maybe burglars...

my mom came home from her trip and it was magical and awesome and she cannot wait to book another trip - after she figures out what she did to her knee!

So glad your mom had a good time! Sorry to hear she hurt her knee though.

I am SO. GLAD. that January is over. I'm sure Feb will have its share of suck, but one less month of a snowless, frigid winter is good news.

Honestly, January is such a SLOG every year, and it was much worse this year because of the bad weather. I was really spoiled last year by the milder winter! But February is only four short weeks, and March is almost spring, so I'm daring to hope the worst is over.

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