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For decades after college, bff and I talked about going to ALL the

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 27-Jan-2025 3:41:10 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: LAST WEEK OF JANUARY POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: plan your DREAM vacation!!! posted by chloe
British Isles: England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Then we realized that would be too much for one trip, especially since we didn't think we'd be gone more than 10 days or so, so we tried to whittle it down to two destinations. Honestly, for me, it would've been Ireland and Wales; bff wanted to see England and Scotland. It turned out to be just talk, as many of the plans bff has turn out to be. We then thought maybe Belize...I was more on board with that than she was though, and shortly before we would've begun to plan a trip (for a joint 50th birthday celebration), warnings started arising that Belize was experiencing a strong wave of crime, mostly directed towards tourists. So instead we went to...Chicago. It was a perfectly lovely trip but not exactly a "dream" destination.

TBH, there's not another country I'm really desiring to visit. OTOH, there's a number of US destinations I'd like to hit. I'd love to do a San Antonio-Austin trip. I want to go to a Delaware beach or two and also hit New Jersey. I'd love to go to the Gulf Shore in Alabama, then nip over to Biloxi, Mississippi, thus crossing two states off my "never been to" list. I'd love to drive part of Route 66. There's too many cities I've still not been to that I'd like to see, too many to name.

I've often thought if I hit the lottery, I'd love to go back to Sanibel Island and take a bunch of friends and family members. More realistically, I'd love to rent an AirBnb with bff and two of our mutual college friends and spend a few days hanging out. I've gone so far as to look at AirBnbs in different locations (all further south and near water). But I would want a pool, and we would all want our own bed, and that drives the price up, so that will also have to wait until I've built up the vacation account I don't even know if the others would even be interested.

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