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I toy on and off with both journaling and learning to knit. I kept

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Tue, 28-Jan-2025 6:51:18 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: LAST WEEK OF JANUARY POTPOURRI posted by chloe
In reply to: One thing I forgot to mention is that I started journaling this year. I was posted by Kitchop
a diary once, for a very short time during third grade. When I re-read the contents a few years later, I was unimpressed. I've considered trying a blog...years after blogs were a thing <g>. A friend tried to teach me to knit back in third grade but it never really clicked with me. It's a very useful skill to have; I like that it both produces practical things like blankets, scarves, sweaters, etc. and it's something you can do while watching TV (once you get good enough and no longer have to look at your hands). I've considered giving it another try.

The YMCA offers financial assistance to low-income adults. I think you can print an application from their website. Once you have a free or low-cost membership, you can go as often as you want and a lot is included with a membership like yoga, spinning, water aerobics classes and team sports like basketball and volley ball. Swim lessons are extra but use of the pool, sauna, steam room, weight and cardio machines all come with a membership. Just something to think about trying. You don’t have to make a longterm commitment. My membership is month to month. I can quit at any time.

Even if it was free, it'd be something I'd have to a) get in a car and drive 20 minutes to get to and b) do during the hours they're open, which wouldn't help when I'm bored at 10:00 PM and not tired enough to go to bed. But yes, it's something to consider.

Ahem! I don’t think of movies as time wasters at all. I love movies. Is art a time waster? As for TV, with 500 shows produced every year and plenty of back library available, I have found so many great TV shows to watch. For the last two years, I’ve been catching up on so many great HBO shows that I missed in the past. I have been watching some truly great TV.

You are correct. I should've said movies are an excellent time-waster for me. Because you and I like very different movies. You seem to gravitate towards Very Important Movies With A Message To Impart and I just want to watch movies that are fun and light-hearted and mostly forgettable 😁

I hope you find some ways to combat your winter boredom and blues.

Thank you! Been pretty busy the last couple days, so that's good. It's when I have multiple days off that I find myself with too much time on my hands (while simultaneously enjoying not being at work).

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