men need to be needed. Dad has always been a problem-solver, and for many years, he was Mom's caretaker. When she died, he didn't know what to do with himself, and when he finally retired (he was working part-time up until a few years after Mom passed), he wound up taking on some of the household chores just to keep busy. For some of those chores, it was a steep learning curve but others came pretty easily to him. We always joke that he's the best seamstress in the family thanks to the Marine Corps teaching him to hem and sew on buttons. I'm waiting to see if he ever gets to the point where he says he's done with household maintenance; he's already (mostly) given up on ground maintenance.
I don't generally put ANY sweater in the dryer. it's just asking for trouble!
Absolutely it is! ETA--Dad once put an old wool sweater of his in the dryer...NOBODY in the family could fit into it after that (he didn't mind--he didn't like it anyways).