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What did everyone think of the halftime show during the Super Bowl last night?

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 10-Feb-2025 8:55:44 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: WEEK OF FEBRUARY 10, 2025 POTPOURRI POST posted by Wahoo
I ask because bff and I were watching the game together, and we're old ladies who don't listen to a ton of rap and have NO clue who's even popular in that genre these days. We were both a little bored by the halftime show--we both thought it was lacking in energy and special effects and felt the two of us could do most of the dance moves (but probably not <g>)--and of course we had never heard of the beef between Kendrick Lamar and Drake, so we had no idea this was basically the ultimate diss from one artist to another. We *did* both like Samuel Jackson as "Uncle Sam" and the surprise appearance of Serena Williams, who looked amazing (and apparently did a dance move that's popular now that bff and I knew nothing about).

So I'm curious...would this have been considered a "good" halftime show? Or was it more just one giant statement from KL to Drake? I've seen reactions on social media calling the performance "epic" but I wasn't sure if that was from an artistic standpoint, as rap isn't really my preferred genre, or if it was because of the message KL sent to Drake.

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