I also am pleased that the game showed what I have said all season - the Chiefs are NOT as good as their record portrayed them to be. Sports radio this morning called them a "house of cards" and I totally agree. They won half their games on pure dumb luck (which I referred to as the golden horseshoe up their ass). I was a little surprised the Bills weren't able to take them out in the AFC championship but it was at least a close game.
...and this...
I also love him and Taylor together. Which, funnily enough, everyone cries about them showing her during the games but I never even saw her last night, not once (I did miss all of the second quarter though and halftime, though I watched the halftime show this morning online and liked it). I don't even remember seeing her during the AFC championship, maybe once. I'm guessing the networks decided to listen to the criticism and not show her as much; it wasn't her fault she was shown, though. She was just there supporting her boyfriend.
Seriously. The Chiefs have been overrated all season and have benefitted from some dubious calls. On occasion, I've felt the bad refereeing directed at whomever the Chiefs are playing on any given day is proof the games are rigged. More than once last night, bff said it should've been the Bills, not the Chiefs, in the SB.
And yep, while I'm pretty indifferent to the power couple that is Travis and Taylor (and was half expecting them to break up a while ago so TS could write some new songs <g>), I don't fault her one bit for all the coverage the broadcasts are giving her. She didn't ask for it and it seems like she would actually prefer they not constantly show her during the broadcast. And I also agree the networks have backed off somewhat this year, probably in response to complaints. I mean, it's fine to show her once or maybe twice, or even after any TD Travis might score, so I wouldn't expect the networks to NEVER show her onscreen. But I felt like this playoff run, they got the amount of coverage just right. Not that I cared that much in the first place <g>.