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Thank you. And thank you for always sayings such kind things...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Tue, 11-Feb-2025 1:15:17 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: WEEK OF FEBRUARY 10, 2025 POTPOURRI POST posted by Wahoo
In reply to: Um…congratulations? posted by Kitchop
Your encouragement really means a lot to me 😊

I’m not at all surprised that you are good at this job and it’s always good to get acknowledgment of and appreciation for doing a good job. But I hear you regarding “promotions” that give you more responsibility without giving you a significant raise. It would be nice if they showed appreciation with compensation.

Honestly, when she was talking about what an awesome worker I am, it was all I could do not to roll my eyes and add a "duh!" <g>. It frustrates me sometimes that there are a few bad workers out there that get to keep their jobs (almost ALL the "textbook kids" that worked summers at the bindery at the end, plus a few of my co-workers from my previous job) while people who would be good at almost any job don't get a chance because of a lack of training or whatever. I just found out this morning that good church friend applied for, but did not get, a job as a nanny to an infant. Apparently her 15+ years experience nannying meant nothing; the couple wants someone with a college degree. So a piece of paper takes precedence over hands-on experience in this case *sigh*.

Do not worry at all about disappointing SM and B. They are just lucky to have you for however long you stay. You have no obligation to stay and make their jobs and lives easier. If SM wants you to stay, she should find a way to get you better pay and give you enough hours so that you qualify for benefits.

I will have NO problem leaving SM to flounder but I will feel a bit bad about leaving B without decent backup. You're right about SM, and to her credit, yesterday she told me she was able to get me a slightly higher payrate than she'd initially told me. It's still less than a cashier at Giant Eagle makes though.

Incidentally, I got a print out of my expected duties as key holder and right at the top, it says someone should only be promoted to the position after 3 years with the company or 3 years of sales experience. I've been there 6 months. That's how desperate they are.

That is amazing that so few people have applied to work at your Chico’s store in 9 years. I hope the small raise you did get helps a little.

Late last year, I was talking to my co-worker "S" who lives in the same town as the store and on summer days can, and did, walk to work. She told me the town is a close-knit community and as such, people talk and word gets around. Apparently SM has a reputation of being not great to work for, so I can see where the locals aren't applying.

Have you completely ruled out Giant Eagle? It sounds like it might be better for you. Aren’t you on your feet for your whole Chico’s shift? Or can you sit down when there are no customers in the store?

I have not. It would definitely be faster paced though, with a steadier flow of customers compared to my job now. We have days where we might see only a half dozen people in the store all day long. I'm mostly on my feet all day long but I can sneak in a quick sit if a) I'm in the back steaming new arrivals (which I don't do often) or b) if whomever I'm working with is in the back on break or lunch and there's no one in the store. What are they going to me <g>?

I feel for all of you, Vicky. It is not easy being over 50 and starting over workwise. The one good thing about Chico’s is their attitude toward older women — except — while they will hire older women, apparently they won’t pay them.

Thank you. It's especially hard when there are other jobs out there that allow you to retire after 30 years and you're not working one of those. Like, I'm SO ready to not be working but it's just not financially possible at the moment unless I hit the lottery or a distant relative dies and leaves me millions (or just a million--I'm not greedy!) And it's hard when you've done a physical job all those years and your body *really* wants to be done with the work thing.

Hang in there. I hope you find something soon that both makes you happier and pays you better.

Again, your kind sentiments are so very, very much appreciated--thank you!

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