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I can think of like 100 better ways to handle that situation.

From: Marriage4All Find all posts by Marriage4All View Marriage4All's profile Send private message to Marriage4All
Date: Thu, 20-Feb-2025 3:52:34 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~~Week of February 17th Chat Post~~~~~ posted by Leia
In reply to: I haven't mentioned my BFF and her terrible husband in years... posted by Dreamylyfe
Sports aren't for everyone, first off. Good luck trying to withhold love from me in the hopes I get better at tennis, lol. We'll both be waiting forever, I guess. And it's also part of growing up to acknowledge weaknesses in areas as well as strengths - like "This isn't my strongest suit, I need to take another path." Trying to force someone down ONE path of your choosing is never going to bring about a well-adjusted adult. If the kid did this all the time - constantly gave up on activities without trying after claiming they really wanted to do it - then I can see a problem (although still not to be like "I'm done with them" if you are their parent). This? Why not sit down and think of some better-suited activities?

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